
This girl could walk on the redcarpet at 78th edition of the Cinema Venice Festival In these days when the Venice Film Festival is held in Italy, this painting becomes current and contemporary. Painted in February 2021 the girl with the Harlequin mask could very well be parading on the redcarpet at 78th Edition of […]

日本への愛 My love for Japan and its culture often lead me to dream of visiting those distant lands. 私の日本とその文化への愛情は、しばしば私をそれらの遠い場所を訪れることを夢見させます... And dreaming I paint.. 夢を見ながら絵を描く.. This painting is done on cardstock with water colors and makes me feel part of something I love: the art of

THE HEART OF THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE. Walking through Florence is a mystical experience that you will never forget. Dante, Michelangelo, Donatello, Brunelleschi, Botticellli walked through those streets and squares. Immersed in so much beauty you can immagine meeting them in an amazing atmosphere. The Uffizi Gallery is one of the most important Italian museums and […]

Un luogo dalle bellezze infinite Passeggiando per i vicoli bianchi del centro storico di Martina Franca in Puglia si possono scoprire angoli di pura meraviglia. Pareti affrescate e antiche madonnine, balconi in ferro battuto ornate da fiori variopinti. Portoni antichi intagliati a mano raffiguranti interi episodi di vita di varia natura incantano i visitatori che […]

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