Author: Elena Daniela Colonna

It wil be exhibited in Cisternino Puglia from 16 April to 15 May this painting was born with the intention of giving an expression to the feeling that binds these two people.

An overwhelming personality, which will often lash out against the women who loved him. He divided them into two well-defined categories, stating that “there are only doormats and goddesses”. But the origin of his troubled relationships with women has its roots much deeper than the first amorous infatuations, just think of the author’s surname, acquired […]

Ti ho persa in un ieri distratto. Siamo tutti stranieri oltre il confine di un’intimità illusoria. Emigriamo da noi stessi vestendo abiti omologati, maschere improbabili e sperimentate modalità ormai scadute. Mai esseri simili furono così distanti tra loro, come volando in bolle di vetro costruite per un solo individuo dove l’aria è al limite minimo […]

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