Man with Cigar
The Italian Art Critic Vittorio Sgarbi talks about it. The Italian art critic Vittorio Sgarbi liked a painting of mine that received the Michelangelo Prize 2021, as you can see in this photo. The painting depicts a man with a cigar next to a geisha-style woman. What was I thinking about while I was painting […]
Love for JAPAN
日本への愛 My love for Japan and its culture often lead me to dream of visiting those distant lands. 私の日本とその文化への愛情は、しばしば私をそれらの遠い場所を訪れることを夢見させます... And dreaming I paint.. 夢を見ながら絵を描く.. This painting is done on cardstock with water colors and makes me feel part of something I love: the art of
The dream 3
A new journey has begun in search of colors and emotions. This painting is part of a series that I have called “the dream”.The starting idea was expressed through a painting the human being as part of the world of nature. a sense of belonging and completeness devoid of any element of contrast or rejection. […]